The school uniform is to be worn as specified here below during the week. [Collars with buttons are not allowed]
Summer : White shirt and Red Trousers for boys; white blouse and Red skirt for girls. Red socks and black leather
shoes, school tie and belt. Winter : White shirt and Red Trousers for boys and white blouse and Red skirts for girls.
Red blazer for boys and girls. The pullover or sweater under the blazer must be Red and V necked. Red socks and black
leather shoes, school tie and belt. Wednesday : White Uniform Saturday : White pants, white socks, and PT shoes (
canvas) , coloured T- shirt (according to the colour of the house of each student), PT shoes ( canvas) for the boys
and white deep box pleated divided skirts, coloured T-shirts ( according to the colour of the house of each student),
white stockings and white PT shoes (canvas) for girls. On school days and for functions and when travelling to and
from the school the students are to wear Don Bosco Academy Uniform. All students should be habitually clean and neatly
dressed. A student who is slovenly dressed and not in uniform, is liable to be fined or to be sent home.